Rabu, 06 Maret 2019

Fix Mediaserver battery drain/media tidak terbaca

Fix Mediaserver battery drain/media tidak terbaca

Error Summary: Battery drain and unreadable media files is a common problem in most of Android phones, this problem caused by corrupted media images, usually music files. The only way to fix this is to delete the corrupted files, which means you have to find the file first, the method below is only for rooted phones. Basically, you can easily fix this error by deleting all media files in your storage, but its not very effective.
Make sure that your phone is in rooted condition!
1. Open Terminal Emulator - if you don’t have this app, you can find it easily on Play Store
2. Type the following commands:
shell adb
top | grep media
3. The command above is to show battery consumption by media, the following commands will show where mediaserver is stuck when reading the file(s). Type the following command:
lsof | grep media_rw
4. It will show which folder/file that takes a long time for mediaserver to read, you must delete the folder/file that appears on the lowest line
5. Do it again until there is no files/folders that take a long time to read.

Pastikan hh dalam kondisi rooted!
1. Buka aplikasi Terminal Emulator - kalo belum punya, download di Play Store
2. Ketik command dibawah:
shell adb
top | grep media
3. Keihatan kan? mana yang makan baterai banyak... Sekarang ketik command dibawah:
lsof | grep media_rw
4. Hapus file/folder yang ada di baris paling bawah, file/folder di baris bawah berarti file/folder itu bermasalah sehingga mediaserver ga bisa baca.
5. Lakukan lagi sampai tidak ada fie/folder yang bacanya lama

If the method above doesn’t work, you can try to disable mediaserver (risk: un-updated media library)
Jika cara diatas ga work, silahkan matikan mediaserver (resiko: media ga update - kalo musik bisa diakali pake Poweramp)

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